Essay on Digital Influence wins a certificate

Here is a copy of the final entry that made a certificate of commendation from the jury.

AA wants the facts and asks "Certificate from whom?"

SN fuses the past and the future to say "Subbu... I have always maintained that entertainment is at the core of marketing. A well made ad is entertaining, a well written ad is entertaining, a well-told product story is entertaining. Unfortunately, marketers have always approached the consumer like a slimy tout/pimp -- one look at the marketer and the consumer knows that the marketer has an eye on the consumer's purse. Marketers have a lot to learn from people like street magicians and other street entertainers. The magician/entertainer first entertains people, then passes the hat around. It's never the other way round. Borrowing another "street example", marketers could do well learning a simple trick from the street vendor who uses the most powerful line in marketing -- "aaiye aur dekhiye... dekhne ka paisa nahin". The street vendor invites the consumer to sample his fare without making any financial commitments. That's how he allays intrinsic fear and distrust in consumers. Marketers have rarely been able to do that.... Net-net, good review. My fear is that most marketers are so busy looking for a seat at the table where they are not wanted that they won't have the time and inclination to pause and think about what you've said...

RS proposes "Subbu, the article is easier to read in your blog ( than in Slideshare. You should share that blog link on Facebook"

SS congratulates me with a pithy "Well done, Subu"

NG recommends "Subbu, all we marketers need to do is tell a story. it is the stories that are engrossing, engaging and make the teller look good. When we hear a good story we want to tell the world. It is stories that have spread the myth and mystique of enduring brands. May be your next can be on how tell a tell a good story"

SG adds to the narrative "Good stuff:)Also feel entertainment has always been around in some form on radio and tv. there is something uniquely infectious and lateral minded about the entertainment in the digital space. the medium is the message."

KS asks another question "Congrats, Subbu! This in turn raises another question. Do marketers, steeped as they are in their own products and services have the bandwidth to also market their communication programs. Think it was Naomi Klein who said that Nilke really sells the software (read ads) and the footwear is incidental. How many marketers would be comfortable with that paradigm?"

OF is tempted "Subu, curious to read it, but couldn't access it. any alternative way to get the essay? Cheers and congrats."
RS tells OF to check
OF thanks RS Tks, I got it.
And then says "Krishnan-san, it is brilliant, I've made copies to a lot of people here, as we had a intense discussion on this subject yesterday. Tks! How's the Portuguese coming? All the best to you"

SS (not the one above) remarks "I knew it..yeh to hona hi tha...your are the best!"

SN (the eternal fact machine) queries "Nice thought process. The final aim of all types of promotion is sales and only sales. The bottom line is measured, evaluated and rewarded on basis sales and all marketing is supporting this objective. However if the intent is entertainment with product embedded.....and this approach doesn't lead to direct increase in sales, is this effective. How will the result be measured."

GS postulates "Great essay subu. sooner the marketers loose their insecurities sooner their brands will have a public life."

And the essay continues ...

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